Tuesday 21 October 2008

The beginning

Here you find our rather unlikely heroine almost 2 years into her journey down the slippery pole (must be brushed steel dahling!), clinging on for dear life while others appear to cartwheel and Handspring merrily alongside.

When does it get easier? WHEN?

Let's face it, it doesn't, does it. There is always a new challenge and trick to try. Always something else to push you that little bit harder and make you squeeze that last ounce of strength out (along with other things if you haven't been doing your pelvic floor exercises) and strive towards something greater.

It never stops, and that's exactly why we love it!

So here I shall be plotting and planning my strategies to make me STRONG. I shall be naming my nemesis (Shouldermount, that means you) and bruising, contorting and sweating until I have the tricky little bastards!

Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!

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