Thursday 30 October 2008

Fear my weak flappy arms!

Had a fab jam on monday with a few friends. During this time I was tempted onto spinny pole by Jamie who did some very graceful moves, so I leapt on in my usual excited carthorse way and gave it a whirl. Discovered that I absolutely love spinny pole, although I need A LOT of work on it!

Jamie said that her strength had come on loads since using spinny, and the way I ached by that evening, let alone the next day, I think she's definitely onto something.

Had a quick trial on spinny yesterday before my class and discovered that I still hadn't regained the full strength in my arms!

Am leaving it a few days and then trying a spinny only session.

May be a bit addicted.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Sweat and toil

Last week I had a class with Pantera.

It was one of those moments, you know, when someone walks into the room and all your pole moves get up and walk out.

'Can you all hip hold?' she asks. We all nod. And normally I can. Hell, normally I can do jazz hands in hip hold while ringing a bell and singing Ave Maria, but not today, oh no. Today I can attempt hip hold and slide straight to the floor laughing all the way, because if I didn't laugh I'd cry or at least bang my head repeatedly on the pole while rocking back and forth in fetal position.

Tricky little buggers these moves. Sometimes you think you have them and then suddenly they're gone without so much as a fond farewell.

My Knee Hold is the best illustration of this. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it is high on my lower leg, other times low down. Sometimes it is even on the the other side for crying out loud. What's all that about, eh?

Anyway, the lesson was awesome. I went just for the experience and it was a fantastic one. It also showed up all my flaws in my core strength. You'd think teaching Pilates would mean mine was sound, and it is in Pilates moves, but lifting straight legs up into an End Over is a whole different matter, and let's not even go into lifting into a Shoulder Mount (grrrrrrrr!) from sitting!

The end result is that I will be training a lot harder and correcting the sloppy technique I've fallen into. No more jumping into inverts, it's all lifting and folding from here on in!

I'm sweating at just the thought!

Tuesday 21 October 2008

The beginning

Here you find our rather unlikely heroine almost 2 years into her journey down the slippery pole (must be brushed steel dahling!), clinging on for dear life while others appear to cartwheel and Handspring merrily alongside.

When does it get easier? WHEN?

Let's face it, it doesn't, does it. There is always a new challenge and trick to try. Always something else to push you that little bit harder and make you squeeze that last ounce of strength out (along with other things if you haven't been doing your pelvic floor exercises) and strive towards something greater.

It never stops, and that's exactly why we love it!

So here I shall be plotting and planning my strategies to make me STRONG. I shall be naming my nemesis (Shouldermount, that means you) and bruising, contorting and sweating until I have the tricky little bastards!

Wish me luck! I'm going to need it!