Thursday 20 August 2009

Pain Thresholds

I've noticed a curious thing with pole. People seem to have lower pain tolerance in certain parts of their body, and everyone is different.

My low tolerance area is my calf and the back of my knee. I can't even stand to stretch my calf muscles out without feeling a bit queasy and hate the sensation, while I will happily sit in box split stretches for hours.

I find the Scorpio and Gemini moves really nasty yet when learning Elbow Grip moves wouldn't notice the pain at all and would be very surprised later on to find myself black and blue from it.

Some ladies find inner thigh moves are their bugbear and others armpit holds. Yet both might be happy to kneehold without a care.

No matter where your low pain threshold area is, gritted teeth and dogged determination is the only way forward!

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